Mixing at Mellow Hollow Studio
At Mellow Hollow Studio
In New Orleans during filming of music video
Recording at Mellow HollowStudio
Album insert painting from Life's An Illusion by Syliane Manyari
During music video shoot in Tennessee
Daniel with his horse Sargent Pepper
Moody shot during music video shoot
Tommy Harden tracking drums at Mellow Hollow Studio
Spring in the hollow
DGT and Gibson Les Paul
During music video shoot
Snow in the hollow
SIR studio shoot
From the first album
DGT performing live in Nashville
From the first album
Brett Tugglie playing Hammond B3 organ on La La Land at El Dorado Studio
Gregg Bissonette playing on La La Land at El Dorado Studio
DGT at El Dorado Studio during recording of La La Land
DGT, Matt Bissonette and Brett Tuggle during recording of La La Land
DGT at El Dorado Studio during recording of La La Land
DGT with his first band, Secret Agent, at age 19, in Shreveport, Louisiana